Company Policies

The policies developed and implemented by Logic Alarms provide a basic framework defining the fundamental issues of the company, its purpose, mission, and broad business objectives, and a set of guidelines governing the company’s conduct of business within its total perspective.

Our policies are reviewed, progressed, and remodeled to meet the changes in legislation, British Standards, and the existing business climate.

Health and Safety Policy

Logic Alarm Systems regards the management of health and safety as an integral part of its operations and as a management priority. Our policy states that all activities and works undertaken will be done so in a safe manner and we will ensure the health, safety and welfare of employees and others who may be affected by our activities.

Logic management and staff believe this is fundamental to developing the professional culture of the company and establishing and maintaining a solid reputation with all of our customers.

Environmental Policy

Logic Alarm Systems recognise that through our activities we inevitably impact on the environment. We consider that our main areas of concern arise from :

  • the use of energy
  • the production and disposal of waste
  • printing activities
  • the use of motor vehicles in our course of work

We will ensure that proper managerial, technical and administrative controls operate in order to enable this policy to be maintained and seek to incorporate the use of practices, materials and products that are compatible with our commitment to prevention of pollution.

Get in touch with our experts today...

To receive more information about our security systems, please contact us on  01463 783001 or: